Dieudyson Adman and Thedeol Colastin

brothers bound by blood and business, have spent a decade carving their names into the tapestry of nationwide transportation. United by a shared vision and fueled by a passion for innovation, they have seamlessly blended their familial bonds with their entrepreneurial spirits to create a thriving venture in the ever-changing landscape of ground transport.
Their journey began with a modest trucking business, navigating the intricate web of logistics and supply chains. However, the duo harbored a deep-seated desire to not merely tread the beaten path but to pioneer new avenues within the industry. Recognizing the transformative power of technology and the need for comprehensive consulting services, Dieudyson and Thedeol embarked on a mission to elevate their enterprise.
In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the brothers embraced innovation as the cornerstone of their business strategy. Leveraging state-of-the-art tracking systems, predictive analytics, and streamlined communication platforms, they revolutionized their fleet management. Real-time data became the lifeblood of their operations, enabling them to optimize routes, minimize downtime, and enhance overall efficiency. Beyond the confines of their own fleet, Dieudyson and Thedeol extended their technological prowess to offer consulting services to those navigating the complexities of the ground transport industry.
Recognizing the challenges faced by newcomers, they became trailblazers in providing tailored solutions that merged technological innovation with industry expertise. Their consulting firm became a beacon for businesses seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of transportation logistics.
Fueling their success was a relentless commitment to customer satisfaction. The brothers understood that in an industry dictated by timelines and precision, client trust was paramount. By prioritizing transparency, reliability, and adaptability, they cultivated lasting relationships with a diverse clientele. Whether handling a small-scale local shipment or orchestrating a nationwide distribution network, Dieudyson and Thedeol’s commitment to excellence set them apart.

About Us

Adman Enterprises, founded and co-owned by Dieudyson Adman and his brother Thedeol, stands as a paragon of commitment to excellence in the transportation sector. United by blood and a shared vision, the brothers have etched their names in the industry not merely as business owners but as pioneers dedicated to providing unparalleled services.
At the core of their commitment is a profound understanding of the importance of reliability in transportation. Dieudyson and Thedeol recognize that in an industry where timelines are paramount, consistency and dependability are non-negotiable. Their commitment to punctuality and efficient service delivery has earned Adman Enterprises a reputation for being a trusted partner in the complex web of nationwide transportation.
The duo’s dedication extends beyond the logistical intricacies of moving goods from one point to another; it encompasses a holistic approach to customer satisfaction. Dieudyson and Thedeol prioritize client relationships, understanding that open communication and adaptability are crucial in a field where unexpected challenges are par for the course. Their client-centric approach ensures that Adman Enterprises not only meets but exceeds the expectations of its diverse clientele.
In an industry that often grapples with technological disruptions, Dieudyson and Thedeol have made a steadfast commitment to innovation. They have embraced cutting-edge technologies to enhance the efficiency of their operations, from advanced tracking systems to data analytics that optimize routes. This commitment not only keeps their services at the forefront of industry standards but also positions Adman Enterprises as a beacon of technological advancement in transportation.
Furthermore, the brothers recognize the impact of their business on the environment. In an era where sustainability is no longer a choice but an imperative, Dieudyson and Thedeol have implemented eco-friendly practices within Adman Enterprises. From investing in fuel-efficient vehicles to exploring greener energy alternatives, their commitment to environmentally conscious operations reflects a broader sense of responsibility towards the communities they serve.
In essence, the commitment of Dieudyson Adman and Thedeol to providing exceptional services in the transportation sector extends far beyond the confines of business transactions.
It is a commitment woven into the fabric of their enterprise, reflecting their unwavering dedication to reliability, innovation, customer satisfaction, and environmental stewardship. Adman Enterprises, under their leadership, stands not just as a transportation service provider but as a testament to the transformative power of commitment in shaping the future of the industry.

Our Journey of Excellence

Adman Enterprises has positioned itself as a comprehensive solution provider in the nationwide transportation industry, offering a spectrum of services that go beyond the conventional realms. At the heart of their offerings is a commitment to facilitating seamless operations for businesses involved in logistics, ensuring efficiency, and mitigating challenges.
Central to their suite of services is logistics support. Adman Enterprises recognizes the intricate nature of supply chains and the pivotal role logistics play in the transportation industry. They offer tailored solutions, optimizing routes, managing inventories, and employing cutting-edge technologies to streamline the movement of goods. Their logistics expertise enhances the overall efficiency of businesses, enabling them to navigate the complexities of the industry with ease.
In addition to logistics, Adman Enterprises extends its services to maintenance, recognizing that the reliability of transportation vehicles is paramount. Through meticulous maintenance programs, they ensure that fleets remain in optimal condition, minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency. This commitment to vehicle upkeep not only benefits their own operations but also serves as a valuable service for businesses in the industry seeking to maintain a reliable and well-maintained fleet.
Beyond the operational aspects, Adman Enterprises has ventured into insurance services tailored specifically for the transportation sector. Recognizing the inherent risks involved, they offer comprehensive insurance coverage to safeguard businesses against unforeseen events. This holistic approach reflects a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those in the transportation industry, providing them with a safety net for continued smooth operations.
Moreover, Adman Enterprises has expanded its scope to real estate services, addressing a critical need in the industry. They offer expertise in identifying and developing suitable lots for building transportation hubs. This strategic approach ensures that businesses have the physical infrastructure needed to accommodate their growing fleets, thereby facilitating expansion and sustained success.
In essence, Adman Enterprises has redefined the paradigm of services in the nationwide transportation industry.
Their comprehensive approach, spanning logistics, maintenance, insurance, and real estate, reflects a commitment to being a one-stop solution for businesses navigating the dynamic landscape of ground transport. Through these services, they not only optimize their own operations but contribute to the success and longevity of businesses across the industry.

Key Features of the Mobile App

1. Real-Time Tracking:

Monitor the movement of your heavy equipment in real-time, ensuring complete visibility and transparency throughout the transportation process.

2. Instant Updates:

Receive timely updates on the status of your shipment, allowing you to plan and manage your operations more effectively.

3. Secure Communication:

Our app provides a secure platform for seamless communication between clients and our logistics team, fostering collaboration and problem-solving.

4. Efficient Documentation:

Say goodbye to paperwork hassles. The mobile app streamlines documentation processes, reducing the time and effort required for administrative tasks.

5. Customized Solutions:

Tailor our services to your specific needs through the app, ensuring a personalized experience that aligns with your unique requirements.

The Mall Universal Advantage



Our services are not one-size-fits-all. Mall Universal takes pride in offering customized solutions that align with the unique requirements of your business.


Industry Expertise:

With a team comprised of seasoned professionals with extensive industry experience, Mall Universal brings unparalleled expertise to every project.



Stay ahead of the curve with Mall Universal’s commitment to innovation. From advanced technology in material locating to strategic executive planning, we constantly evolve to meet the changing needs of the industry.


Client-Centric Approach:

Your success is our priority. Mall Universal adopts a client-centric approach, ensuring that our services are designed to maximize the value we bring to your business.

Partner with Mall Universal for Unmatched Excellence

In conclusion, Mall Universal is poised to revolutionize the heavy equipment and hauling industry with a suite of services that redefine the standards of excellence. Whether you require precise material locating, strategic executive plans, or tailored consulting services, Mall Universal is your trusted partner for success. Join us on a journey where innovation meets industry expertise, and together, let’s shape the future of heavy equipment and hauling logistics.

Phone Number

+1 800-964-7128

Our Email



1309 COFFEN AVE STE 13011 SHERIDAN, WY 82801